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SMA (SubMiniature version A) connectors are commonly used in RF and microwave applications, providing a reliable and robust connection for transmitting high-frequency signals.
RP-TNC (Reverse Polarity TNC) connectors are a variation of the TNC (Threaded Neill-Concelman) connector commonly used in wireless communication devices, antennas, and RF equipment.
RP-SMA (Reverse Polarity SMA) connectors are a type of SMA connector commonly used in wireless communication devices, antennas, and RF equipment.
N connectors are robust coaxial connectors commonly used in RF and microwave applications, especially in wireless communication systems, antennas, and RF test equipment.
MMCX (Micro-Miniature Coaxial) connectors are compact coaxial connectors commonly used in portable electronics, wireless communication devices, and RF modules.
MIX IPEX connectors, also known as MHF or U.FL connectors, are miniature coaxial connectors commonly used in wireless communication devices, laptops, and embedded systems.
MCX connectors are miniature coaxial connectors commonly used in RF applications where space is limited
MC connectors, also known as Mobile Connectors, are coaxial connectors commonly used in mobile communication devices like cellular phones, GPS receivers, and wireless routers.
FME connectors, also known as For Mobile Equipment connectors, are miniature coaxial connectors commonly used in mobile communication devices like cellular phones, GPS receivers, and wireless routers.
F connectors serve as essential components in television, satellite, and cable TV applications.
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