Computer on Modules
Assured Systems have a wide range of Computer on Modules (COM) standardised in such formats as COM Express, SMARC, Qseven, and ETX, to satisfy their requirements related to performance, cost, power consumption, size, and I/O, along with other options. The COM module design approach relieves equipment developers from being concerned with many aspects of complex computer system design whilst allowing for customisation on the carrier board.
Avalue ESM-KBLU 7th Gen Intel Core i7/i5/i3/Celeron COM Express Type 6 Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 32GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON ECB-920A-A11 COM Express Type 6/Type 10 Evaluation Carrier Board
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 8x USB Ports
ECB-916M Rev. B1.1
AAEON ECB-916M Rev. B1.1 COM Express Carrier Board for PICMG COM.0 R2.0 Type 2
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 2x LAN Ports
- USB Ports: 4x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0008 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i7-9850HL COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0007 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i7-9850HE COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0006 8th/9th Gen Intel Xeon E-2276ME COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0005 8th/9th Gen Intel Xeon E-2276ME COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0004 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i3-8100H COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0003 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i5-8400H COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0002 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i7-8850H COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-CFHB6-A11-0001 8th/9th Gen Intel Xeon E-2176M COM Express Type 6 Basic Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 96GB
- Memory Type: DDR4
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 10x USB Ports
AAEON COM-BYTC2-A10-0003 Intel Atom E3827 COM Express Type 2 Compact Size Module
- Memory Capacity: Up to 8GB
- Memory Type: DDR3L
- Serial Ports: 2x COM Ports
- Ethernet Ports: 1x LAN Port
- USB Ports: 7x USB Ports
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